Providing custom information access since 1985
Since 1985, our aim has been to offer the highest-quality catalog records utilizing the skills of expert catalog librarians as well as provide cost-effective solutions for library projects ranging from original cataloging and cataloging backlogs to retrospective conversions. We specialize in special libraries including law, medical, scientific, corporate, court, state, and county, among others.
Some projects we have worked on include:
Reclassification of the Lillian Goldman Library at Yale University
Participating in the beta testing of the Library of Congress JZ-KZ schedules
Cataloging the Supreme Court Libraries in the state of New York
Sponsoring Law Cataloging Institutes across the United States
Cataloging the electronic resources for major law publishers starting with Lexis and Westlaw in 2006, followed by HeinOnline, Wolters Kluwer, and others
Cataloging of the American Chemical Society
Symposia and other documents
Cataloging of the American Mathematical Society
Cataloging of the [Church] Organ Historical Society
Our office has moved from New York City to Harrison, New Jersey to our current location in Rockaway, New Jersey where we have been since 2007.