Providing custom information access since 1985
Easy Steps to Acquiring your PCIP
1. After your book is complete, acquire an ISBN for each format of the book
Click here for more information on International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
2. Acquire an LCCN/PCN if desired
Click here for more information on Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)
Click here for more information on Preassigned Control Number (PCN)
3. Identify BISAC codes if desired
Click here for more information on BISAC codes)
4. Now it's time for your PCIP block!
5. Once PCIP is complete, your publisher will print the block on the title page verso (back of title page)
Order a PCIP
If you are ready to place your PCIP order, click the button below the Title Page and Verso examples for our online form.
Book's title page and verso in PDF, JPG, or GIF format. If you don't have a digital version immediately, you can scan and fax to 973-586-3201 or email to cip-info@cassidycat.com with your book title in the subject.

The following is required information:
Book's title page and verso/draft copyright page (see examples above) in PDF, JPG, or GIF format. If you don't have a digital version, please fax to 973-586-3201 or email cip-info@cassidycat.com with your book title in the subject.
The following will be asked on the form:
City/State of Publication
Brief Summary
Your Name
Company Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Title Page (see above for example)
Verso/draft copyright page (see above for example)
You will be billed upon completion of the block - First time clients require prepayment
Value added
MARC records provide the advantage of already-cataloged records that can be immediately downloaded into local library catalogs.
In addition to basic PCIP information, we add as many subjects as are appropriate to generate hits when a researcher is searching in a catalog.
PCIP bibliographic records will also be uploaded to two of the world's largest bibliographic databases - OCLC WorldCat and SkyRiver. Inclusion in these massive bibliographic databases ensures that the librarian or bookseller will be able to easily and correctly enter your material into their catalog for discoverability. Records are uploaded by the third of each month and records should be available in the individual bibliographic utilities by two weeks following.
New to PCIP? Our expert catalogers are happy to explain all of the necessary steps to get you started or answer any questions you may have about the process.
We provide excellent quality with very fast turn-around time at a very reasonable investment price.