Providing custom information access since 1985
Our MARC Record Files
Your library has taken a huge step toward making all of your valuable electronic resource materials easily accessible to your users!
The ordering process for electronic resource collections
Once you have ordered records with us you will receive a contract and a profile form. The profile form informs us of what software your library is using so we can alert you of any customization you may want for these records (Ex. Ex Libris Alma does not read 001 as the control number so we will have to move our control number to the 035). Customizations are created for your library no charge, we just want to make sure you are able to easily edit the records.
When we recieve the signed contract and profile form, we will send you the first set of records called the Archive File. This is the first file to load to your ILS and will contain all records created to the date of purchase. If your library is subscribed to the Monthly Update Service, you will recieve .mrc record files each month for new and updated records via FTP unless your library would prefer another method.
We will supply you with a FTP login and password to retrieve these records each month. When files are delivered to you folder, a notification will be sent to the preferred contact to retrieve them. We can alert multiple email addresses and these can be changed at any time.
Archive Files
The first file you will receive from us is called the Archive File. This file will contain records for all titles that have been cataloged up to the point of purchase. The examples below will illustrate the naming convention for files and how to read them. Next will be Monthly New and Update files.
The file format for the initial Archive File will look similar to this:
LIB - Actual file will reflect your library's 3 letter code
_HEIN - These are HeinOnline records
full - Denotes that this is a full file (Archive file)
Westlaw or Lexis
The file format for the initial Archive File will look similar to this:
LIB - Actual file will reflect your library's 3 letter code
_WLN - Westlaw
_LEXIS - LexisNexis
-ETREATfull - Denotes a FULL file (Archive file) for the e-Treatise collection records for either Westlaw or Lexis
-PERfull - Denotes a FULL file (Archive file) for the Periodical collection records for either Westlaw or Lexis
-PRIMARYfull - Denotes a FULL file (Archive file) for the Primary Source Materials collection for either Westlaw or Lexis
-TRIBALfull - Denotes a FULL file (Archive file) for the Tribal Law collection for Westlaw
-PRATTfull - Denotes a FULL file (Archive file) for the A.S. Pratt collection for Lexis
West Academic Publishing
The file format for the initial Archive File will look similar to this:
LIB - Actual file will reflect your library's 3 letter code
_WAP - West Academic Publishing
The file format for the initial Archive File will look similar to this:
LIB - Actual file will reflect your library's 3 letter code
_FCASE - Fastcase
-TREAT - (Archive file) for the former Loislaw e-Treatise records
-FCP - (Archive file) for Full Court Press records
-ABA - (Archive file) for American Bar Association records
Monthly New and Update Files
If your library has subscribed to the Monthly Update Service you will receive two files each month. The NEW file will contain records for any new content added to the subscribed database. The UPDATE file will contain records to overlay those already received by us. These may contain changes such as Authority updates, URL changes, subject changes, etc.
Monthly files will have this structure:
LIB - Actual file will reflect your library's 3 letter code
_PUBLISHER - Database publisher to which you subscribe
n or u - distinguishing between "n"="new" and "u"="update" records
Date formatted YYYYMM