Providing custom information access since 1985

Joni Cassidy
President & CEO
Joni co-founded CCS in 1985
Joni started her library career at 16 years old as a Library Page in her local public library where her responsibilities increased as her education advanced through an AAS degree in Business to a BA in Arts to an MLS at the Palmer School of Long Island University. Her first professional position was setting up a federally funded Job Information Center for Eastern Long Island. Later she worked as a young adult services/audio-visual librarian, academic librarian, and Head of Public Services before starting Cassidy Cataloguing Services in 1985.
Her company creates original MARC records for electronic resources of legal, scientific, corporate, and other publishers, creates publisher cataloging-in-publication for hundreds of small publishers and self-publishing authors, and provides contract cataloging services to law libraries throughout the U.S. In the day-to-day scheme of things, Joni is responsible for overseeing all the active projects, supervising the staff, negotiating new contracts, and working with new customers to get their ventures started.
Joni has served as Adjunct Professor at four library and information science schools in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area teaching the core technical services course, advanced cataloging, and cataloging for school media specialists. She is most proud of the students who have entered her classes expecting to suffer through it, and have left as Catalogers!

Michael Cassidy
Vice President & CFO
Michael co-founded CCS in 1985
Setting an example for Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Kim Kardashian, Michael never finished college but went on to do great things in the theatrical lighting industry.
After tiring of watching Joni using a memory typewriter to make catalog cards, he bought her an IBM compatible PC, with two floppy drives, because the IBM XT hadn’t been invented yet. Before long he found himself helping to run Joni’s company, preferring it to a future of short-term theater gigs.
Michael designs data projects, solves technical support issues, runs accounts payable and receivable, and is responsible for all the technology in the office. What is left of Michael’s hair is grey.

Keelan Weber
Head of Technical Services
Keelan has been with CCS since 2023
Prior to joining Cassidy Cataloguing, Keelan worked as Head of Cataloging and Resource Management for an academic law library managing the library's physical and electronic collections, troubleshooting e-resource access issues, and guest lecturing on library methods for legal research.
Keelan received her BA in French Literature and Language and her MLIS from the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
She has a fascination for plant patents and she is perpetually asking "what's for dessert?"

Megan Staloff
Client Relations Specialist
Megan has been with CCS since 2007
Megan has been with Cassidy Cataloguing since 2007 and has worked under a variety of different hats until settling into her current position of Client Relations Specialist. She handles the day-to-day operations of the office and client accounts. She not only interacts one-on-one with the clients and prospects, but responds to inquiries for services, organizes and oversees project execution, client management and accounts receivable.
In exchange for biscuits and the right to lay on Joni’s fainting couch, Megan’s dog, Cinch, protects the staff from all manner of delivery men: FedEx, UPS, and that burly water delivery guy!
Megan holds a BS degree in Equine Studies with a concentration in Business Management from Centenary University. Most days, she would rather be riding her horse to work.

Natalie Bejarano White
Director of Digital Operations
Natalie has been with CCS since 2006
Natalie has a BA in English from Thomas Edison State University and is currently an MI candidate at Rutgers University.
She has traveled extensively with Joni, representing Cassidy Cataloguing at national and regional association conferences since 2007. She is currently the Director of Digital Operations at Cassidy after wearing many hats during her time with the company.
She spends her free time volunteering with Zooniverse and Library of Congress to classify data for historically significant projects as well as photographing and documenting headstones as part of a genealogical group to assist others in their research.

Paula J. Perry
Senior Metadata Quality Control Supervisor
Paula has been with CCS since 1989
Paula has been Cassidy’s Chief Catalogue Librarian since 1989. She is the lead cataloger, responsible for all print clients and a large portion of the online clients. In addition, Paula manages Cassidy’s publisher cataloging-in-publication division, authority updates and reconciliation, classification updates and reconciliation, general database corrections, and is the cataloging maven for staff and client questions.
Before coming to Cassidy Cataloguing, she was the Technical Services Librarian at the law firm of Davis Polk & Wardwell where she and Joni met. Paula is the primary source of Cinch’s biscuits. Her MSLS is from Simmons College School of Library Science.

Roberta Z. Bertrand
Senior Metadata Specialist (Law) / HR
Roberta has been with CCS since 2005
Roberta previously practiced law as an associate and partner in a large firm, served as chief financial officer of a company consulting to non-profits, and worked as an academic librarian, among other pursuits.
At Cassidy Cataloguing, she deals with human resources matters and is a legal metadata specialist. Roberta earned her JD at Cornell University and her MSLIS at the Palmer School of Long Island University. She never misses a Bruce Springsteen concert.
Roberta Z. Bertrand
Qing Fan
Senior Metadata Specialist
Qing has been with CCS since 2008
Qing joined Cassidy Cataloguing in 2008 as a Metadata Specialist. Her primary responsibilities include performing original and copy cataloging, creating full level RDA MARC records, and responding to our clients’ cataloging questions. Qing’s areas of expertise include MARC records for the electronic resources included in Westlaw, Lexis Advance, University of California Press, and Ubiquity Press.
Her MLS is from the School of Information Management at Nanjing University, China, with a New Jersey State professional librarian certificate. Before coming to Cassidy Cataloguing, Qing worked as a cataloging librarian at Anhui University Library (China) and as a faculty member at the School of Library and Information Science at Anhui University.
Nancy Sheffield
Senior Metadata Specialst
Nancy has been with CCS since 1995
After spending a semester studying at the Newberry Library, and then six months as an intern at a college library in Scotland, Nancy Sheffield worked part-time in a public library while earning her MLS in the late 1970's from Rutgers University. Her primary interest was in research libraries, but she found employment in technical services positions in a variety of libraries in New Jersey.
Nancy originally worked for Cassidy Cataloguing from 1995-2001 as a Cataloger, the last year telecommuting from Florida. She then spent nine years as Head of Technical Services at a public library in the Tampa Bay area and returned to Cassidy in early 2008. She is also employed part-time as an adjunct librarian at St. Petersburg College and does some contract cataloging for a local public library.

Anya Salmina
Systems Librarian
Anya has been with CCS since 2021
Anya joined Cassidy Cataloguing as the Systems Librarian in 2021. Her responsibilities focus on processing and customizing MARC catalog records, as well as ensuring data quality and integrity
through error checks and reports in our master database.
Prior to joining Cassidy Cataloguing, Anya worked as a research librarian for an energy company, a technical services specialist in a county library, and a data analyst in a manufacturing firm.
She received her BA in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business from the University of Texas at Arlington, and her MLS from Texas Women's University in
Denton, TX.
Anya adds fluent Russian to our list of foreign languages that we can catalog.

Chelsea Patella
IT Specialist / Python Developer
Chelsea has been with CCS since 2018
After receiving her B.A. in English from Penn State University and MLIS from Drexel University in 2016, Chelsea started her career as a Technical Services Manager at a public library where she discovered her love of cataloging.
She has also worked as a Library Director for a small college and a medical librarian at a hospital where she conducted research for physicians and other hospital staff.
She began her Cassidy career as a Systems Librarian and is now a Library IT Specialist and Python developer. In her spare time, you can find her singing karaoke or teaching herself piano.
Qing Fan
Chelsea Patella

Tani Eckstrand
Senior Metadata / PCIP Specialist
Tani has been with CCS since 2022
As the newbie on the block, Tani had the pleasure of joining the Cassidy Cataloguing team in May of 2022. Prior to that, she served for 17 years as a senior cataloger/project manager at the Donohue Group and before that spent some time managing the Technical Services departments at the University of Hartford and Springfield College.
At Cassidy, Tani currently handles publisher cataloging-in-publication orders, several streaming audio/video contracts, and whatever other exciting and interesting projects are sent her way.
Tani is the author of the Librarian’s Book of Quotes and several children’s books. In addition to her MLS from the University of Buffalo, she holds an MS in Natural Medicine and is certified in massage therapy. When she is not cataloging, Tani is either doting over her cats, photographing nature, or splitting firewood.