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Electronic Resource

Catalog Sets

Robust MARC21 Records

President & CE0
Co-Founded Cassidy in 1985
Joni Cassidy




About The Cassidy Team

Since 1985, our aim has been to offer the highest-quality catalog records utilizing the skills of our expert cataloging team of librarians, and provide cost-effective solutions for library projects ranging from original cataloguing and cataloguing backlogs to retrospective conversions.

LAW   +   MEDICAL   +   SCIENTIFIC   +   CORPORATE   +   COURT   +   STATE   +   COUNTY   +   MORE 

“Having your records for Lexis and Westlaw in our catalog has really increased access.”

+ Harry S. Martin III (Terry) Henry N. Ess III Librarian
& Professor of Law, Emeritus Harvard Law School

New HeinOnline Records Collection Available: Water Rights & Resources

"HeinOnline’s Water Rights & Resources is an affordable, comprehensive, and timely collection that is dedicated to understanding the complex interplay of state and federal laws that govern all aspects of water in society, from municipal use to restoring its pristine condition. Collecting congressional documents, books, legislative histories on major legislation, and Supreme Court briefs on related cases, this database touches on a wide range of water issues, including irrigation, hydropower, riparian rights, water conservation, drinking water quality, and tribal water rights, encompassing the unique water rights issues that span from the Eastern seaboard to the Great Lakes and across the arid West. In the face of so much uncertainty, water rights and how to use our water resources becomes even more vital to understand."


Cassidy Services

Electronic Resource
Catalog Sets

Full, robust MARC21 records created in RDA format with deep URL links for most of the major publishers of law: Thomson Reuters Westlaw, ProView, LexisNexis, HeinOnline, JurisNet, Wolters Kluwer VitalLaw , Rocky Mountain Mineral, MCLE and others

Cataloging in Publication (PCIP)

Expert Publishers' Cataloging-in-Publication blocks created with quick turnaround time, one-on-one cataloger help with any questions, full, robust records loaded to OCLC and SkyRiver bibliographic utilities

Special Projects

Retrospective Conversions

Shelf-Ready Processing

Non-MARC to MARC conversions

Non-English Materials

Non-Print Materials



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