We are happy to offer 50% off our MARC21 record collection for HeinOnline's Animal Studies: Law, Welfare and Rights in honor of World Wildlife Day on March 3, 2023. This sale will only be valid from February 27 - March 3, 2023.
Over 2,000 full, MARC21 records with Library of Congress subject headings, call numbers, series information, notes, and deep-linking URL directly to the title. This collection is part of our Time-Tested Classics and is discounted even further for one week only! Customization always free. Samples always available.
2,000+ Records
Only $415
Some Wildlife-Related Library of Congress subjects from the database of records for HeinOnline's Animal Studies: Law, Welfare and Rights collection:
African elephant $xConservation $xInternational cooperation.
Birds $xConservation $xLaw and legislation $zGreat Britain.
Captive wild animals $zIndia.
Dolphins $xConservation $xGovernment policy.
Endangered species $xLaw and legislation $zUnited States.
Fish habitat improvement $zNorthwest, Pacific.
Game laws $zCanada $xProvinces.
Habitat conservation $xLaw and legislation $zUnited States.
Incentives in wildlife conservation $zUnited States.
Jackrabbits $zUnited States.
Lynx $xPopulation viability analysis $xCorrupt practices $zWashington (State)
Marine animals $xEffect of noise on.
Northern fur seal $xLaw and legislation $zNorth Pacific Ocean.
Oyster industry $zChesapeake Bay Region (Md. and Va.)
Pandas $xPolitical aspects.
Quarantine, Veterinary $zUnited States.
Red wolf $xConservation $zNorth America.
Sea lions $xConservation $xLaw and legislation $zUnited States.
Turkeys $xBreeding $zUnited States.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service $xAppropriations and expenditures.
Volunteer workers in conservation of natural resources $xLegal status, laws, etc.
Wild burros $zUnited States $xManagement $xCosts.
Yurok Indians $xFishing $xLaw and legislation.
Zoological specimens $xCollection and preservation.
Sadly there was no K or X but if there was an ebook focusing on Kangaroos or the Xenopus both subjects would be there!